Termination Shocks One’s Sense of Fairness
The Fourth Department determined the termination of a city employee shocked one’s sense of fairness. The court explained the relevant criteria:
“[A] result is shocking to one’s sense of fairness if the sanction imposed is so grave in its impact on the individual subjected to it that it is disproportionate to the misconduct, incompetence, failure or turpitude of the individual, or to the harm or risk of harm to the agency or institution, or to the public generally” … . “Where, as here, there is no grave moral turpitude’ and no grave injury to the agency involved or to the public weal,’ courts may ameliorate harsh impositions of sanctions by administrative agencies . . . in order to accomplish what a sense of justice would dictate’ ” … . Matter of Harwood v Addison, 2014 NY Slip Op 04660, 4th Dept 6-20=14