The Third Department, reversing Supreme Court, determined that the petitioner, a non-for-profit local development corporation, was a “local authority” subject to the reporting and oversight requirements of the respondent State of New York Authorities Budget Office:
… [W]e find that respondent rationally concluded that petitioner is a local authority, in that there is a “close relationship between petitioner and local governments” and petitioner “is the type of entity that the Legislature intended to subject to the provisions of the PAAA” [Public Authorities Accountability Act]. Notably, the purposes of the PAAA and the PARA [Public Authorities Reform Act] include remedying public concerns about transparency and accountability of entities that, like petitioner, “work[ ] with public and private sector partners to spur economic development and meet public needs” … . Matter of Saratoga Economic Dev. Corp. v State of N.Y. Auths. Budget Office, 2023 NY Slip Op 06292, 11-7-23
Practice Point: The State of New York Authorities Budget Office’s administrative determination that petitioner not-for-profit development corporation was a “local authority” subject to the Budget Office’s oversight was not arbitrary and capricious. Supreme Court should not have annulled the determination.