About New York Appellate Digest
An independent website presenting summaries of recent decisions and opinions from the New York Appellate Division (all four departments) and the Court of Appeals. The database is updated weekly with summaries of selected decisions, mostly reversals, released the week before. The decisions chosen for summarization are the court’s teaching tools: all substantive Appellate Division reversals, all Appellate Division opinions, all Appellate Division memorandum decisions with substantive dissents, all Court of Appeals opinions, and all substantive Court of Appeals memorandum decisions. More than 16,800 decision-summaries are now in the searchable database, covering every legal category addressed by our appellate courts since January, 2013. Each week’s decision-summaries are organized in Weekly Reversal Reports with a table of contents. Criminal Law, Civil Procedure and Personal Injury decision-summaries are organized in Monthly Reversal Reports with tables of contents. The Monthly Reversal Reports constitute the written materials for the Criminal Law, Civil Procedure and Personal Injury CLE courses presented as podcasts on the site. The links to the Weekly and Monthly Reversal Reports are in the orange-brown panels on the Home Page. The CLE courses are accessed from the Top Menu.