Owner of Land through Which Power Lines Pass Pursuant to a Utility Easement (Servient Owner) Does Not Have a Duty to Maintain the Easement—Servient Owner Not Liable for Damage to Abutting Property Stemming from a Vegetation Fire Started by Sparks from the Power Lines
The Second Department determined the easement which allowed the power company’s lines to pass through the owner’s property did not impose a duty to maintain the easement on property owner. Vegetation around the power lines caught fire causing damage to an abutting landowner’s property. The plaintiff insurer paid the claim and sued the owner of the land through which the power lines passed (the servient owner). The Second Department explained that “a servient owner has no duty to maintain an easement to which its property is subject. Indeed, a servient owner has a passive duty to refrain from interfering with the rights of the dominant owner” … . Encompass Ins. Co. of Am. v Long Is. Power Auth., 2015 NY Slip Op 03800, 2nd Dept 5-6-15