Participation in Program Can Be Delayed Until Close to Release Date
In affirming Supreme Court, in the face to the inmate’s request that he be placed in the sex offender counseling and treatment program (SOCTP) in 2015, the Third Department determined the inmate’s participation in the program could be delayed until 2023, 36 months before his conditional release date:
An inmate’s evaluation by a case review team under Mental Hygiene Law § 10.05 is triggered by notice to the Office of Mental Health that the inmate is “nearing anticipated release,” which is to be provided at least 120 days prior to such “anticipated release” (Mental Hygiene Law § 10.05 [b]). In accordance with the foregoing, DOCCS has developed guidelines for administering sex offender treatment programs throughout the state. The guidelines recognize the need to allocate limited resources and provide that inmates shall be placed in sex offender treatment programs “as they get closer to their release date.” Matter of Wakefield, 515002, 3rd Dept 7-3-13